Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I'm back!!!!!!

What a winter! It's good to be back on the blog enjoying warm, sunny weather again. I have a short, two week break before my classes resume for summer-more chemistry and math-yes!!!!!

I did my garden up a little differently this year in terms of spacing of veggies and herbs. I planted some from seed and some from plant. I still have to get my lettuce in and maybe a cantalope or watermelon plant. I also am "sharecropping" with a neighbor. She gave me a bunch of corn and cilantro seeds that are now firmly nestled into the soil and hopefully are germinating away. Thanks Allyson! I can't wait to share with you this summer!

We also took a different approach to landscaping this year. We decided the beds in the back are just too big and hard to manage so we cut them in half, tilled the soil and put down grass seed. What a difference. This past mother's day was gorgeous so I had a chance to get out and planted some of my favorites; sweet woodruff (a low grower), echinacea (or coneflower), shasta daisies and freesia.

In the veggies beds this year I have planted tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, corn, beans, peas, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, lavender, tarragon, chives, basil, dill and arugula. I also planted a blueberry and raspberry bush next to the back door.

There is a little bit of a change with the blog as I will be including great recipes I come across as well as nutrition tips and gardening ups and downs. Please stay tuned and leave a comment to let me know you stopped by!