The last fewdays can be summed up in one word: progress. I managed to dig out 2 and 3/4 of the beds in a pretty short span of time. It was probably one of the hardest workouts I have ever accomplished and I was sore, sore, sore. I used muscles I didn't even know I had! I bet you I burned maybe 2,000 calories in two days? Maybe? I have to thank the Cliff bar company for the protein bars and Starbucks for the caffeine that kept me in it to win it.
The workout isn't over yet-The topsoil was delivered two days ago so I still have to fill up the wheelbarrows with our mushroom soil, wheel them back to the beds, dump em, and start the process over until the beds are filled. We will be planting by the end of the month after the danger of the last frost has past.
I am happy because:
-once I am done with the beds, we plant and fingers crossed have a good harvest, I never have to dig the ground like that again.
-because my husband is a weather guy I have all the inside info on when the best times are to get out and garden. For example, at Mike's advice I dug the beds after a long, soaking rain so the soil was easier to shovel and it was easier to pull the clumps of sod off. Hadthe earth been dry, I probably would have thrown out a shoulder, cried and called a company out to dig the beds.
-It was fun! I really got to know the earth while I was digging and a lot of the *yikes* earth dwelling critters like; worms, cicada larvae and grubs. I threw the cicada larvae in my neighbor Matt's yard. Tons of worms mostly and our soil is full of clay. This concerns me because of drainage BUT the beds will be about 8 inches up off of the bottom earth layer so that should do fine.
This coming up week the forecast is looking gorgeous so I will be out finishing the beds and Mike will be "supervising" perhaps drinking a ice cold beverage with his brand new beer cozy that reads "I got loaded at John Orsini Topsoil".
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