Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pea sticks!

Pea Sticks! It sounds like a kid-friendly swear word alternative, doesn't it? I think I may use that one next time.....well.....maybe. But in terms of the garden, the pea sticks are going to be all the branches that have fallen over the winter that Mike has gathered in a big pile in the back yard. I am going to re-purpose them into a natural trellis for the pea seedlings to climb. It's sounds a little Martha I know, but I think they will work well and keep the garden looking organic and natural- the way I want it. A good tip that I read is that your high growers like corn, peas, anything with a trellis are best planted on the north side of the garden so they don't cast shadows and prevent the low growers from getting light. Here is what they might look like.


Unknown said...

I'm in love w/ them! I've never done it before but it sounds like it could be fun for the kids to build them as well.. We are still far behind... but I just ordered my seeds from my favorite place

Since I'm only doing heirloom seeds I think that I am also going to plant marigolds through out the garden to naturally keep the nematodes away from my tomatoes and corn! We've still got to expand the garden and till the new part... ugh... can't wait!!

Darcy said...

Hey Allyson,
I want to plant marigolds also because it does keep pests away. I will check out rare def for next year.
I will stop by hopefully sometime this weekend to see the backyard if it's not too rainy.

Anonymous said...

Using what you have! That's what I cal earth friendly!